تخطى إلى المحتوى

ارجوكم حد يقول الترجمه فيها ايه 2024.

in formalin-bony pieces are decalcified and material processed en tmultiple grayish white firm pieces of tissue measuring collectively 3.5x 2 csubmitted oto

reveals sections through tumor tissue disposed into lobules and whorls of meningothelial cell composition. individual cell possess indistinct cell boundaries , ample eosinophilic cytoplasm and round to oval nuclei devoid of mitotic activity or pleomorphism intranuclear pseudoinclusions are frequently detected. nucleoli are indiscernible. the tumor is hypervascular. no psammoma bodies are observed. the tumor is seen infiltrating through sampled fibrous tissue planes of the dura as well as dissecting in between bone trabeculae. neither atypia nor loss of pattern (sheeting) in discernible in all tumor fragments examined

excisional biopsy submitted

clinical data
paraparesis and double sphincteric disturbance
intradural extramedullary enhancing lesion opposite d 10
m are

روزالسيف روزالسيف 482432_1.gif فتكات نشيطة Fatakat 482432 اسكندرية – مصر

سبحان الله و بحمده

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