تخطى إلى المحتوى

بالله عليكم الى تعرف تترجملى التحليل ده بتاع السائل المنوى لصحة المرأة 2024.

physical properties
volume 3.2
appearance yellowish white
viscosity viscid
reaction alkaline
liquefaction 20 min within 30
microscopic examination
spermatogenic cells
pus cells
agglutination nil
sperm count
count of sperms 32 million
sperm concentration 102.4 million ejac
assessment ofsperm morphology
abnormal forms 40
commonly observed abnormalities head and neck
assessment of sperm viability
after hour 40
after 1 hour 38
after2 hour 33assessment of sperm moility
gradeA=rapid progressive 35
gradeB=slow progressive 20
gradeC=non progressive 5
gradeD=non motile sperms 40
normal motility=should be more than 15 for Aor more than 40 for A+B

توتا قلب حسن توتا قلب حسن فتكات هايلة Fatakat 271380 الاسكندريه – القاهره

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