تخطى إلى المحتوى

د يترجم التقرير ده الله يجزيكم الف خير 2024.

السلام عليكم يا فتوكات لو حد يعرف يترجم التقرير الطبي ده بدون الجوجل ترانزلايت لانو مبيترجمش كل الكلام وجزاكم الله خير

abnormal position of theleft kidney being occupied the presacral space yet it presented normal direction of its pelvicyeal systembilateral few tiny calcyeal stones are seen measuring about3mm with no significantback pressure changes
no radio opaque calculi or pathologicalcalcification seen within both ureters the urinary bladder
normal size and parenchymal thickness of both kidneys. adequate filling ofthe urinary bladder showing mild increased its wall thickness with no masses orfilling defects.
theliver is of average size with homogenous ct texture no definite focal lesionson non enhanced ct basis
no intra hepatic or extra hepatic biliaryradicles dilatation
normal size& parenchymal texture of thespleen with no definite focal lesions seen on non enhanced ct basis
bilateral ovarian cysts are seen
normal non contrast ct appearance of thepancreas aorta ivc and both supra renals as well as the rest of the pelvicorgans no pelvi abdominal lymph node enlargement seen on non contrast ctbasis
no ascites or pelvic collections noted

ectopic pelvic left kidney of cy
noascites or pelvic collections noted
ectopic pelvic left kidney
bilateral tin non obstructing renal stones
evidence of cystitis

يارب ارزقني توأم بعدالصبر يارب ارزقني توأم بعدالصبر فتكات متميزة Fatakat 777187 مدينة 6اكتوبر – مصر

سبحان الله و بحمده

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