يابنات بالله عليكم تترجمولى التقرير ده وتشوفوا ده خطر ولا لا هو تقرير عن اورام فى المثانه مستنياكم ضرورى ردوا عليه دلوقتى الله يخليكم ويبعد عنكم اى مرض وحش
sections examined from the specimen received revealed pieces of bladder wall showing tumor tissue formed of papillary projections with fibrovascular cores,covered by active transitional cells .there are foci showing tumour cells with mild to moderate nuclear anaplasia and pleomorphism. there are groups of malignant transitional cells with marked nuclear anaplasia and pleomorphism .tumor infiltrating the superficial lamina propria .muscle layer presented free.
السندريلا رونى السندريلا رونى فتكات نشيطة Fatakat 672853 القاهره – مصر
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