تخطى إلى المحتوى

انا عملت أشعة صبغه وعاوزه اعرف التشخيص 2024.

  • بواسطة

انا عملت اشعة الصبغه وياريت لو حد هنا موجود يفيدنى
وجزاكم الله خيراً
وادعولى ربنا يرزقنى ويرزق كل محتاج الذريه الصالحه

– under complete aseptic condition , injection of water soluble contrast material into the uterine cavity ( by foley catheter )
– frontal spot film record sequential opacification of the uterine cavity , lamina of the fallopian tubes and peritonealspill.

findings :
uterus is of normal size , regular outline and shape.
– no filling defects .
– both fallopian tubes are of normal caliber ( thin , thread like structure isthmic segments and bulbous ampullary portions ) , but both are fixed stetched upward course with convoluted LT . Distal part …. salpingographic findings suggesting peritubal pelvic adhesions.
– early localized spillage of contrast media at the Lt.Side & asymmetric perioneal spill noted extending upwards to lower abdomen

opinion :
– peritubal pevic adhesions , for further evaluation.

أميره فى بيتى أميره فى بيتى فتكات حبوبة Fatakat 897291 الزقازيق – مصر

سبحان الله و بحمده

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