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شوفوا عارضات الازياء؟؟؟ ؟؟؟الحمدلله انى تخينة… 2024.

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Valeria Levitina – another 25-kg victim of anorexia
Valeria Levitina.
Anorexia nervosa is a disease that is acquired as a result of manic desire to lose weight. People exposed to this mental illness waste themselves by diets. One dietic crisp bread seems them to be a cake. They believe that the eaten carrot is very nutritious and artificially provoke vomiting. At one moment a man can’t accept his reflection in the mirror adequately. He feels that he`s fat, even if the mirror reflects a skeleton covered with skin. As a result the stomach refuses to process food and the body doesn’t receive elements to sustain life. Gradually, the person dies. Some are supported by tablets, others dies.

If you can supply the following symptoms to yourself, you should think about your actions:
1) a sense of guilt after meal;
2) a panic fear to pile on the weight;
3) a desire to eat standing up, grinding the food into small pieces;
4) rejection of minimum weight;
5) you are depressed of being fat.

Valeria Levitina’s story is one of the thousands same stories. Here the cause of anorexia was an ad about the free vacancy in U.S. model agency. 18-year-old girl, who was constantly losing her weight, intended to get it. Valeria refused all products except fruits and vegetables since that time. This did not bring moral reassurance to the girl and she began eating only dietary crisp bread and drinking liters of coffee. And here`s the result – 39-year-old woman now does not distinguish the taste of products and had to drink gallons of coffee to avoid falling into a swoon.

At the moment, the weight of Valeria is 25 kilograms. It looks like this.

Of course, Valerie’s family hopes that she will recover. We wish her good luck. But we gathered many examples of anorexia all around the world in one place for you. Look how anorexia is ruining the beauty and people themselves, and never bring yourselves to this state.

This is Kate Chilver, who died of anorexia at the age of 31.

Men also suffer from anorexia.

Yeah, it’s also bad to be fat. Norwegian scientists have declared that the fullness takes away four years of life. But thinness take away 8 years. So, please, accept your reflection in mirror in a proper way.

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