تخطى إلى المحتوى

تحليل السائل المنوي لجوزى ، ممكن حد يساعدني 2024.

Examination of Seminal fluid

Color – Greyish White

Volume 5.0 ml

Method of production – Masterbation

Reaction – Alkaline

Viscosity – normal visicous

Sperm Concentration 16.000.000

Total Count 80.000.000

Liquified after 30 mins

Sperm Vitality – .

After 30 min (PR+NP%) 65%

after 1 Hour 60%

After 2 hours 55%

After 3 hours 50%


Immotile (IM) 35%
A-Progressive motility (PR) 40%
B-Non Progressive motility (NP) 25%

ABNORMAL FORMS ( According to Kruger’s classifications)
Total Abnormal Forms 25%

A-Abnormal head Forms 10%
B-Mid- Portion Abnormalities 10%
C-Tail Abnormalities 5%
Spermatogenic cells 100000/ml

PUS CELLS – 202400
Red blood Cells 0-1

mrs rasheedy mrs rasheedy فتكات نشيطة Fatakat 1062576 cairo – cairo

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