هاى يا بنات انا جوزى كان عمل تحليل للسائل المنوى قبل كدا عمله عادى وعمله كمبيوتر وطلع سليم عادى بس الدكتور قاله ما ينفعش دا وعمل تحليل تانى للسائل المنوى
بس لما راح لدكتور زكورة طلب منه تحليل اخر للسائل المنوى مفصل شوية وعمله ودى النتيجة
specimen information
(volume : 2 ml (N.2ML OR MORE
(appearance : grey opalescent ( N. grey opalescent
(ph. : 7.6 (N. 7.2-8.0
(round cells : 2×10 6 ( N. less than 5 x10 6 ml
(pus cells : 1.5×10 6(N. less than 1 x10 6 /ml
(liquifaction : complete in 60 min ( N. complete in 60 min
(consistency : normal viscosity ( N. normal viscosity
(agglutination : present ( N. not detected
(type ofagglutination : tail to tail (N. not detected
N.B round cells include spermatogonia *spermatocytes and spermatids
:a total of 23 fields containing 579 sperms were analysed yielding the following
(count/ml :27.5×10 6 (N. 20 x10 6 or more
evaluation : pass
(count/ejaculate : 55×10 6 (N. 40×10 6 or more
evaluation : pass
out of 454 sperms present in the ejaculate 268 were motile representing 59:% motility
(N.50% or more )
evaluation :pass
:the 59% motility rate was distributed as follows
( G III (rapid progressive) : 29% ( N. 25% or more
G II ( slow progressive) : 18%
G I (non- progressive) 12%
evaluation : pass
a total of 192 sperms were checked for morphology by diff-quik stain utilizing hamilton thorne strict criteria they were distributed as follows
normal : 11%
slightly amorphous : 10%
( N.30% or more )
( abnormal : 79% (N. less than 70%
evaluation : Fail
the 152 abnormal sperms were distributed as follows
too long :7
too short : 2
too wide : 2
too narrow : 3
bent : 7
abaxial : 9
coiled : 1
tapered :28
round : 71
thin : 11
elongated : 2
severely amorphous : 9
midpiece : 6
small : 7
large : 1 وفيه 20 صورة للحيوان المنوى 4 منهم طبيعى والباقى مش طبيعى التحليل سليم ولا لا
ابتسامة العمر ابتسامة العمر 567040_9.gif فتكات هايلة Fatakat 567040 كوكب القمر – مصر